About / Sobre

Tagline: Entrepreneur / Software Developer / Agilista / Mentor / Writer.

Tagline: Empreendedor / Desenvolvedor de Software / Agilista / Mentor / Escritor.

Social: youtube | linkedin | instagram | github | tiktok | mastodon | substack | threads | medium | leanpub | snapchat | podcast anchor.fm  | apoia.se | patreon | facebook | flickr | about.me | slideshare | twitter.


About Daniel Wildt: I’m a software developer helping people to become better people, teams to grow and products to come alive. I can play as a Developer, Mentor, Consultant, Head of Technology, CTO, you name it. I can manage teams, projects, products and services. But… be sure to understand that my process is about building autonomy and trust whenever I am. I use Design Thinking, Lean Thinking, Agile Methodologies and Non Violent Communication to do that. My mission? To be a Chief Heart Officer, creating safety, enabling spaces where people can be who they are, and are able to bring their best to the game of building a company, product or a service.

About Daniel Wildt: I work with companies and teams, mentoring on Agile Methodologies adoption and techniques to continuously improve software engineer practices. Always looking for simplicity and learning. I help people to become better professionals, teams to grow through continuous improvement and products/services to go live. I’m Founder/Partner at uMov.me (http://umov.me), Partner/Mentor at Wildtech (http://www.wildtech.com.br), Content Producer at http://danielwildt.com and a Youtuber at youtube.com/danielwildt.

Palestrando no TDC 2014

Sobre Daniel Wildt: Profissional de Tecnologia, preocupado com desenvolvimento de produtos e serviços com equipes focadas em aprendizado, melhoria contínua e autonomia. Produz conteúdo em vídeo, áudio e texto sobre consciência de tempo, experiência de usuário, empreendedorismo e metodologias ágeis. Sócio e Mentor na Wildtech, Blogger/Youtuber no danielwildt.com, Sócio e Diretor na uMov.me.


Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing was this blog name for a long time. Why this name? Because one of the things I like most is about preparing teams to succeed by removing waste through continuous improvement cycles, building culture, morale, communication, transparency and 110% focus on quality, using tools and techniques together with eXtreme Programming disciplines and Lean Thinking. And when we are working with teams, they have these stages to grow. The Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing is a term from 1965, first proposed by Bruce Tuckman.


Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing foi o nome deste blog por muito tempo. E porque este nome? Uma das coisas que eu mais gosto de fazer é preparar times para terem sucesso pela eliminação de desperdícios através de melhoria contínua, desenvolvendo cultura, moral, comunicação, transparência e 110% de foco em qualidade, usando ferramentas e técnicas junto com eXtreme Programming e Pensamento Lean, entre outras. E quando estamos trabalhando com times, eles tem estes estágios de crescimento. Forming, Storming, Norming e Performing, é um termo de 1965 proposto por Bruce Tuckman. E é muito útil no meu dia a dia.

Que projetos estou dando atenção agora?